Blackstone Private Multi-Asset Credit and Income Fund (BMACX)
One-stop solution designed to access Blackstone’s leading credit platform [ 1 ]
Private Credit Markets
are Rapidly Growing
Private Credit Markets
are Rapidly Growing
In our view, there’s a $30T+ opportunity in private credit markets ahead that can continue to drive tremendous growth and opportunity for our clients. [ 2 ]
One of The World’s Largest Alternative
Credit Managers [ 1 ]
Wide Breadth of Credit Capabilities [ 6 ]
Private Corporate Credit
Privately originated and negotiated debt financing across the capital structure
Asset Based & Real Estate Credit
Loans and other credit instruments generally secured by physical and financial assets as collateral
Structured Credit
Diversified pool of income-producing assets structured to provide excess and customized risk and return
Liquid Credit
Debt issued through bank-led syndications such as broadly syndicated loans, investment grade and high yield bonds
Blackstone in the News
Blackstone in the News
Hear from Blackstone leaders on why they believe the dynamics driving investor demand for private credit remain durable, today and for the long term.